Hoffice – An H-absolutely Wonderful H-idea!
When I met Chistofer Gradin Franzen in March 2014 at an Introduction to Sociocracy workshop in Malmo, Sweden, he shared with me about Hoffice, a practical way of creating a working environment with others, in the comfort of people’s own homes.

The concept for Hoffice was born out of Christofer and his friend Johline Zand’s wish to bring more people together to work in a shared space. Essentially the premise was that by doing so it would support them in their productivity and would enrich their working experience by sharing company, inspiration and support.
Now, one year later Hoffice is going viral in Sweden and has spread to Denmark.
Doubtless it’s a concept with international wings and so it’s likely just a matter of time before an Hoffice will open near you too. And the great news is, you don't have to wait for it to happen. You can just go right ahead and open one!
My friend Agneta Lagercrantze went to participate in an Hoffice day and has written an article, first in Swedish and then translated into English. Thank you Agneta for your time in helping to share this exciting emergence with the world.
Thank you Christofer and Johline for tapping this simple yet intelligence solution that sought emergence through the vehicle of your needs.
To find out more about Hoffice, you can read Agneta’s article here.