..serves internationally, providing learning facilitation and mentoring to groups and organizations wishing to develop greater effectiveness and equivalence in collaboration.
Her warmth, clarity and practicality is complimented by her ability to support people wishing to co-create and collaborate effectively towards a shared purpose. Combining a background in communications, business administration and events management with her growing experience as a co-developer and trainer of Sociocracy 3.0, she supports organic organizational development to unfold.
About Us
Lili and James embody the Sociocracy 3.0 principles and walk their talk. There are not many people that can achieve this level of engagement from participants that sparks deep conversations and creates change.
Marcin Konkel, Agile Coach
..serves internationally providing organizational development consultancy, learning facilitation and mentoring for people wishing to increase business agility and grow agile and responsive learning organizations where people and company thrive.
A co-founder and developer of Sociocracy 3.0, he combines extensive experience of sociocracy with 15 years practice in the fields of holistic organizational development, facilitative leadership and personal and relational transformation. He currently spends most of his time supporting others to learn about Sociocracy 3.0 and working directly with organizations to help them improve productivity and raise engagement, whatever their size.
Ongoing Development of Sociocracy 3.0
Sociocracy 3.0 was first conceived by Bernhard Bockelbrink and James Priest in 2014 and launched in March 2015. Liliana David joined the team soon after and together they collaborate to develop both the guide and the website.
We make Sociocracy 3.0 freely available and provide all resources under a CC license for people who want to learn, apply and tell others about it.

Since 2015
Alongside developing Sociocracy 3.0 and supporting people in organizations to improve agility and performance, we have designed an extensive range of courses and workshops which we’ve delivered throughout Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
I'm inspired by the energy that
you both bring with your skills, the way they compliment each other and the transparent union in your actions. How much inner development it brings!
Xana Piteira
Associate and partner

Bernhard Bockelbrink
Co-founder and co-developer of Sociocracy 3.0, with 20 years of experience in as a coach, CTO, scrum master, product owner, project manager, technology consultant and developer in startups, small-/medium-sized businesses and enterprises, and a passion for agile and lean software development that goes back to the late 1990s.