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Non-Profit Sociocracy 3.0 Intro Course South Portugal

Thu, Apr 05


Vale da Lama, South Portugal

This course is specifically addressed to members of intentional communities, co-housing, non-profit movements and networks, social change-makers, etc.

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Non-Profit Sociocracy 3.0 Intro Course South Portugal
Non-Profit Sociocracy 3.0 Intro Course South Portugal

Time & Location

Apr 05, 2018, 9:00 AM – Apr 07, 2018, 7:30 PM

Vale da Lama, South Portugal, Vale da Lama, 8600 Odiáxere, Portugal

About the event

Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) - Facilitating Conscious Collaboration

for more Effective, Resilient and Humane Organizations

Come and explore the extraordinary co-creative potential of people collaborating together and discover how to grow more integrated, interdependent and humane organizations!

Non-profit organizations - social enterprises, charities, intentional communities, networks, movements, etc- attract people motivated by personal calling to serve a shared purpose, with great potential to co-create and have a meaningful impact in the world. However, regardless of context, collaboration brings both opportunity and challenges and the non-profit sector is no exception.

Important areas of concern include:

• making effective decisions effectively

• organizing work, creating and delivering maximal value

• building and maintaining engagement

• tapping collective intelligence and utilizing diversity to innovate, learn and grow

• maintaining alignment while adapting as necessary to changing contexts

S3 – A social technology for our time

Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) is a flexible, modular practical guide; a set of principles and practical tools for growing dynamic, learning organizations that optimize value creation through collaboration,

It builds on sociocratic practices, reflects fundamentals of Non-Violent Communication and integrates principles from Agile / Lean, to provide a rich variety of compatible options to choose from and adapt, according to unique context and needs.

S3 acts as a “social technology” for raising self-accountability and participation. It supports distribution of power to all, within interconnected domains, freeing people up to decide and act. It facilitates co-creativity, fosters transparency and enables the potential for equivalence of all concerned.

For more information and open source learning materials, go to:

During this workshop you will:

• Discover what Sociocracy 3.0 is and how its various patterns provide a menu of options for organizations wishing to build resilience, adaptability and effectiveness.

• Learn about underlying issues that stand in the way of effective collaboration and ways to overcome them.

• Understand and practice consent decision making and learn why it’s an effectiveness alternative to consensus or command-and-control approaches to decision making in organizations.

• Develop personal and inter-personal skills that increase your ability to make a positive contribution in collaboration with others

• Discover practices to improve meeting effectiveness, draw on the collective intelligence of groups, and guarantee the potential for equivalence in decision making.

• Develop a “solutions focused” attitude and explore the creative opportunities lying buried at the heart of seemingly challenging situations.

About the course journey

During this introductory course you will gain a general understanding of what Sociocracy 3.0 is, familiarize yourself with many of the patterns and concepts and have the opportunity to experience some in practice. By completion of the course you will be able to apply some of what you have been learning into practice in your organizations and/or with your customers and clients.

As well as a thorough exploration of practical tools, practices and structures that facilitate effective collaboration, this learning journey will also touch on the topic of habitual and cultural patterns of behavior in groups and examines how S3 patterns can help to transform challenges in collaboration into opportunities to innovate, learn and grow.


Our journey together will consist of a balanced programme combining theory, demonstration, practice and reflection.


From 9:00 to 5:30, with 1 hour for lunch


Liliana David serves internationally providing consultation, learning facilitation and mentoring to organizations that wish to develop greater effectiveness and equivalence in collaboration. She combines a background in communications and business administration with her growing experience as a co-developer and learning facilitator of Sociocracy 3.0.

James Priest serves internationally, providing organizational development consultancy, learning facilitation and mentoring for people wishing to evolve collaborative, adaptive organizations at scale. Co-founder and developer of Sociocracy 3.0, he combines extensive experience of sociocracy with 15 years practice in the fields of holistic organizational development, facilitative leadership and personal and relational transformation.

What others say about our courses:

Sociocracy 3.0 is a way to collaborate that is self-correcting and highly effective. It incorporates plural perspectives in a beautiful way. I strongly believe it makes the world, our homes and our organizations a better place to live and work in, it makes our collaborations so much more fruitful. It enlightens our way of work, and that’s why I am a believer.

I have never been to a training that was so connecting, enlightening and enriching. Lili and James showed us that we really can be the ones we are waiting for.

Dette van Zeeland

Collaboration Coach, Belgium

I leave inspired by the energy that you both bring into the workshop with your skills, the way they complement each other and the transparent love & union in your actions. How much inner development it brings!


Vale da Lama, Portugal

I have been on many workshops and trainings during my life and treasure some of them. This workshop will definitely be one of them. James and Lili are great facilitators and create a safe, open and creative environment. I learned not only S3, which I had hoped for, but also about my self(ves), which will help me be more whole, authentic and therefore a better person and leader.

The workshop is highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn about collaboration and ways to increase engagement in your organisation.

Anders L

Agile Coach, Crisp, Stockholm, Sweden

For more testimonials, go here.

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